2012年11月19日 星期一

Class 707: Summarizing the Story

The student is reading the chapter to make a summery of it. 
To make a summery, students are asked to identify the main theme of each chapter.

Each pair stand up to share their summery.

Sharing each group's work is a good opportunity to practice speaking in front of people.

In discussion, students get to develop the ability of expressing themselves and active listening.

2012年11月18日 星期日

Class 707: Finding Out Cause and Effect Relationship

Students are carefully looking for cause and effect examples in the story.

Working in a pair, the students are sharing each other's examples of cause and effect relationship.

A student's note of some adjectives describing the tiger.

Students are looking for more clues in terms of describing the characters.

2012年11月15日 星期四

701 Cais collaboration 11/14

Students put their hands on iPad and promise they will try their best.

Students recorded what they did on Friday, and shared the data.

They used numbers app to analyze the data they collected, and created some charts.

2012年11月9日 星期五

Week 10
Date: 11/2
Teacher: Jackie, Nancy

Today we are working on our letter writing skills, and we also have to write a letter for our homework.

It is important to work on our letter writing skill.

We can use letter to communicate with others.

Although we use cellphone more than letter, but it is still important that you can write a letter.

2012年11月2日 星期五

Week 9
Date: 10/26
Teacher: Jackie, Nancy

Today we are learning “How to write a letter”.

There are many parts in a letter.

Letters are things that we can contact to others

I like to write letters to my friends.

Week 8
Date: 10/19
Teacher: Jackie, Nancy

This week we discussed about chapter 2 of “Nim’s Island, and we learned about the storm in Nim’s Island and the storm in Taiwan.

The storm in Taiwan is very wet, it feels like you’re in the water. 

The storm in “Nim’s Island” sounds very scary.

No matter that the storm in “Nim’s Island” or the storm in Taiwan, they’re very noisy.

2012年10月25日 星期四

701 1025 Medieval Europe ch. 4

Students are now working hard to write their scripts between the king and the pope.

After finishing the script, they acted it out and recorded it with iMovie.

2012年10月24日 星期三

10-23-2012 706B

Today we read a new book.  It was the novel My Father's Dragon.  It was a fantasy story.

10-23-2012 706A

Today we read a new book.  It was a novel My Father's Dragon.
We reviewed the tricky word strategies.

707A Distant Learning

Teacher Chrisal & Andy

Today's mission: Find out five examples of unreal things in the story. They form the basis of a fantasy story like My Father's Dragon, the textbook we're using for this semester.
Students are asked to find out examples of unreal things--the basic element of a fantasy story.

Students are paired up to share and discuss their examples of unreal things in My Father's Dragon

Students sharing their findings. 
Students sharing their findings.

2012年10月23日 星期二

1022 701 Medieval Europe Ch. 3

Students are answering questions about this chapter.

We have groups share answers in front of the class.

2012年10月18日 星期四

2012年10月17日 星期三

2012 10/17 701 Medieval Europe

Students worked group for their group questions for Medieval Europe ch. 2 the Crusade

Students present their group discussion to the class