2012年5月7日 星期一


Instructor: Christal Lord/陳致元老師
Class 706A/706B
Date: 2012/05/07
1.      Students will review how an author uses tone of voice when writing
2.      Students will continue drafting their travel books
3.      Students will utilize a revision checklist to improve their drafts
Skills Taught: text features, author’s voice, social studies writing
Intro Question: How can you make your writing even better?
Intro (3 min) – Discuss with students their responses to the introduction question. Encourage them to discuss some of the elements that can be added to a story after you feel you are “finished” – more dialogue, more description, and more figurative language. 
Mini-Lesson (5 min) – Give examples of adding each of the elements above to your draft.  For dialogue, consider replacing a part of the story where you describe a conversation with an actual conversation (you may want to plant this in your draft ahead of time in previous weeks).  For description, encourage students to use some of the five senses to describe things.  For figurative language, identify a part where you can use a metaphor, simile, idiom or other figurative language to make the section more interesting to the reader.
Teacher Modeling (10 min) – Using your travel story from the previous lesson, model finishing your draft, and then model following a revision checklist to improve upon the draft, such as the one below:
__ Did I follow the outline?
__ Did I include enough cultural and historical research?
__ Did I explain my trip in a way that is understandable to the reader?
__ Did I maintain a consistent tone of voice throughout the book?
__ Did I make sure that my writing was good and interesting to readers?
Independent Writing (20 min) – Students will finish their drafts and begin revising them using the revision checklist that the class develops. As students are working, conference with them using Ipad to make sure they are finishing their drafts, as well as to help them with using the revision checklist.
Think-Pair-Share (5 min) – Have students get in pairs to go over each other’s books with the revision checklist. Make sure that students offer each other constructive feedback.
Homework (1 min) – Students will continue revising their draft, as they only have two more lessons to edit and publish it before presenting their completed travel book to the class.  Their homework is to submit a draft of their story online. 
Note – teacher should provide feedback for their drafts before next week on Moodle.
Close the Lesson (1 min) – Review the revision checklist again with the students. Ask for students to mention some of the revisions they made today. If time allows, have students share their drafts with the class.

The students were brainstorming for the plot in Ch 1.

Students were weaving story of the second chapter.


