2012年3月13日 星期二

701 Week 5

Monday (small group)
- American Tourism - Ivy League - post dream schools on James Blog

Here's the blog:

- King Arthur - Chapter 4 - reading / Discussion

Sharing opinions!
- American Tourism - Tennessee

- Medieval Europe 4 - Papacy - reading / Henry vs. Gregory iMovie

Using iMovie!

2012年3月8日 星期四

807- Urban Decay (Teacher Neely)

The students were sharing the pictures they found about urban decay.

At last, teacher Neely was explaining homework for next week.

2012年3月5日 星期一

706 February

Instructor: Christal Lord/Isaac Chen
Class 706A/706B

The purpose of this lesson is to read and discuss chapters nine, ten and eleven to make text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections.

1. Students will learn that there are three kinds of connections they can make when they read: text-to-self, text-  to-text, and text-to-world.
2. Students will make connections from Peter Pan to their own life, to other texts they have read, and to things   going on around them.
3. Students will look at Chapter 9 and write down one thing that happened and their connection to it.
4. Students work will be monitored using IPAD by Distance Learning Teacher.
Lesson Plan:
  1. Opening Question (3 minutes).  Write the following questions on the board and give students 3 minutes to answer in their notebooks.  Does this story remind you of any stories you have read before?  Explain your answer.

  1. Mini Lesson (10 min). In today's mini lesson, students will be making connections. Explain to students that there are three kinds of connections.  Chart on the board while explaining to the students. The first is text-to-self which means that something in the story reminds you of something that has happened to you.  The next is text-to-text which is when something in the story reminds you of another story you have read before.  The third type of connection is a text-to-world connection, which is when something in a story reminds you of something you have seen around you but has not happened to you. 
  2. Think-Pair-Share (5 minutes).  Ask the students to share their answers with their partners.  Ask for a few volunteers to share their answers with the whole group.  After each share, ask the students which of the three types of connections the sharer’s specific connection is.  Keep sharing until all three types of connections have been shared.
  3. Independent Activity (7 min). Ask students to look again at Chapter 9 and write down one thing that happened and their connection to it.  Give about 5 minutes to do this before TPS and WGS.  If the content of their whole group share does not fully review what happened in Chapter 9, solicit the action of what happened in order to review the chapter.
  4. Independent Activity Continued(10min) Have students work in pairs and  go through chapters 10 and 11 and fill out a chart using this example:
Picture or Passage
Type of Connection
Pg. 84
“Wendy, let us go home,” cried John and Michael together.
I remember one time when I went to my grandmother’s house when I was five, I cried to go home because I missed my mother.



    After they are finished have students share out some of their work.
    6.  Review/Introduction of Homework (2 min). Tell students that for homework, they will read chapters 9 and 10, and 11 independently.  They will take a quiz on Moodle on these chapters.  
    7. Close the Lesson (1 min).  Tell students that next week, they will continue reading and discussing Peter Pan.

    Cristal was reading the story to the stydents.

    Cristal was checking the student’s work and interacting with Jerry through iPad.


    Teacher Christal / Steve / Iris

    707 February

    Teacher: Steve / Nancy

    Class 707A/707B

    1.      Opening question: Would you like to go to Never Land? Why or why not?
    2.      Write down details for the two characters, Peter Pan and Elmer Elevator.
    3.      Venn Diagram: Ask students to draw two circles and tell the differences and the same things between Peter Pan and Elmer Elevator.

    Examples from the students:
    Chi: Yes, I’d like to go to Never Land because it is such a cool place.

    Betty: No, I wouldn’t. I love my family very much. I don’t want to leave them.

    707A are writing some details about the characters.