2012年4月4日 星期三

七和 三月份遠距教學

Teacher: Steve / 盧秋杏
April 2
Class 707A/707B

1. Opening question: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go to?
2. What do you know about the country?
3. Write three questions that you want to know about the place.
4. There are two websites that you can search some information on the Net.
5. We are going to write a travel book.
- fiction (not real)
      - nonfiction (real)
      - a lot of information

Examples from the students:

Peg: I would go to Hollan because it is a beautiful country. I would love to see many kinds of flowers in Holland.
Bill:  I would love to travel to New York. Because I like playing basketball a lot, I want to go to watch some basketball games there.

(DL-picture1)Peggie’s notebook.

(DL-picture2)707A are writing some details about their favorite countries.


